
What Others are Saying

Excerpts from Reader Reviews at Amazon. Boldface headers were added by Wiley Graf, author of A Way of Escape.

READERS ALREADY REPORTING POSITIVE RESULTS: I have been practicing "visual emotional" reprogramming since I first read that chapter and I am already seeing changes ... I am amazed at the effect it is having on the residual damage that I know is there from years of abuse ... The book is a fresh take on the subject that men need for freedom and has been a real blessing in my life already.

David England

A SECOND READER REPORTING POSITIVE RESULTS: Not just a positive way to think, but to work through the weakness of the flesh while giving Glory to the Living God. Already seeing positive and healthy physical and spiritual results. Thank you Holy Spirit.


A THIRD READER REPORTING POSITIVE RESULTS: This book is everything the author says it is. I found it to be spot on regarding what the battle truly is about.

Don Cameron

A FOURTH READER REPORTING POSITIVE RESULTS: Finally a plan that sticks and does not require an accountability partner!


DROP THE PASSIVITY: Graf provides clear guidance, ideas, and practical steps to ensure that one is walking in the Spirit with biblical backing. He encourages an active approach rather than passively experiencing the Spirit and outlines the tools he has found to make that active approach a daily reality.


APPLIED THEOLOGY: This is not an intangible treatment for the subjects concerning addiction. It's a well-developed everyday practical application that includes tactics, techniques, and procedures to overcome.


APPLICABLE FOR ALL TYPES OF TEMPTATION: What I appreciate is that the author has written it in such a way that he provides guidance and practical steps to deal with all types of temptation ... This book is a great study for those who are counseling others.


APPLICABLE FOR ALL TYPES OF NEGATIVE THOUGHTS: This book provides not only the addicted with a way of escape but a map of learning for any Christian to build new and better pathways in the brain to diffuse negative thoughts and replace them with positive Spiritual energy. Dr. Graf, through excellent example and explanation, has given us a means to connect to the Spirit as our helper and comforter in our time of need in our war with the flesh.


A SORELY NEEDED MINISTRY: ... a MUST read for every man ... The ministry within this book is sorely needed in Christianity today and The Church.


Get Started on the Spirit-Filled Journey to Freedom from Sexual Sin

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